
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Koksijde


Koksijde is a town and a municipality in Belgium. It is located on the North Sea coast in the southwest of the Flemish province of West Flanders.The municipality comprises apart from Koksijde, the villages of Oostduinkerke, St-Idesbald and Wulpen.On January 1, 2006, Koksijde municipality had a total population of 21,269 on a total area of 43.96 km², which gives a population density of 484 inhabitants per km².Since 1995 Marc Vanden Bussche has been mayor of Koksijde.MunicipalityThe municipality of Koksijde comprises the "deelgemeenten" Koksijde, Oostduinkerke, Sint-Idesbald and Wulpen.The old town centre of Koksijde is located about two kilometers from the shoreline. Close by the sea, a new tourist centre, Koksijde-bad, has developed. A bit to the west on the territory is the hamlet of Sint-Idesbald. The old town centre of Oostduinkerke is located more than one kilometer from the coastline as well, with Oostduinkerke-bad close to the sea. Over 4 kilometers inland is the rural polder village of Wulpen.Koksijde borders the following villages and municipalities: a. Nieuwpoort (city)b. Ramskapelle (Nieuwpoort)c. Booitshoeke (Veurne)d. Veurne (city)e. Adinkerke (municipality De Panne)f. De Panne (municipality)

Adres: Koksijde
Stad: Koksijde

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Nabijgelegen soortgelijke bedrijven
Koksijde - Oostduinkerke Koksijde - Oostduinkerke 2 km Fascinerend Koksijde -Oostduinkerke
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