
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Koekelare


Koekelare is a municipality located in the Belgian province of West Flanders. The municipality comprises the towns of Bovekerke, Koekelare proper and Zande. On January 1, 2006 Koekelare had a total population of 8,291. The total area is 39.19 km² which gives a population density of 212 inhabitants per km².Koekelare was formerly written as Couckelaere.TownsThe municipality comprises Koekelare proper, but also contains the villages Bovekerke, Zande and De Mokker. Bovekerke and Zande are "deelgemeentes", who were independent municipalities until the 70s; De Mokker is part of Koekelare proper.Source :Streekplatform Westhoek. Socio-economische beleidsvisie & hefboomprojecten voor de WesthoekKoekelare borders the following villages: a. Handzame (more specifically Edewalle) (Kortemark)b. Werken (Kortemark)c. Vladslo (Diksmuide)d. Leke (Diksmuide)e. Sint-Pieters-Kapelle (Middelkerke)f. Zevekote (Gistel)g. Moere (Gistel)h. Eernegem (Ichtegem)i. Ichtegem (Ichtegem)

Adres: Koekelare
Stad: Koekelare

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