Rue Lebeau, 57
1000 Bruxelles
02 511 66 56
Jean-Paul Knott has a travelling soul. He is Belgian, has grown up in New-York and works in Brussels. He collaborated with Yves Saint Laurent for 11 years. He has been the artistic director of Krizia, Louis Féraud, Cerruti (from 2005 to June 2009) and has created costumes for Maurice Béjart ballets. He presents his JEANPAULKNOTT women and menswear collections on a regular basis since 2000 and the Japanese collections KNOTT and KNOTTMEN... (since 2008).
Jean-Paul Knott explores the line, shows an ethereal nonchalance and an impalpable elegance that makes his signature look. He mixes all the codes, masculine / feminine, ready-to-wear / Couture. He invites you to travel, fold, transform and he collaborates readily to his artist friends' work.
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