
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Kasorp Group International

Kasorp  Group International


KASORP GROUP INTERNATIONAL is an international active business group that provides products and services . We are active in different sectors, e-shop, book sales, donations to charities in Malawi and events.

"KASORP GROUP INTERNATIONAL is an international active business group that provides products and services.E-mail: contact@kasorp.comWe are active in different sectors, e-shop, book sales, donations to charities in Malawi and events.In our e-shop, you will be able to find top quality products. We have cosmetics, products for skin, perfumes, women and men’s clothes, watches, accessories, bags, swimsuit, jewelleries glasses, and brazilian products.KASORP has worked hard to create services and provide excellent products for you.We are currently working to release some exciting new things in the near future. Follow us on social media to stay up to date with our latest announcements and releases - We promise, you won't want to miss it!"
Telefoonnummer: +32491247708
Stad: Brussels

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