Fashion Shows, Catwalk, Red Carpetshows, Shoots for Instagram, Video Productions & Youtube, Castings, Modelcoaching, Total Productions, Corporate spots
#JOYFASHION ANTWERP Models & Events is a famous agency which already exists more than 20 years and is situated in the heart of Antwerp.
We organize shoots, shows and all kinds of fashion events. JF makes sure that your event will be exactly the way you want it to be.
We are always looking for new challenges, new opportunities and NEW MODELS.
So don't hesitate to contact us.
Subject: Candidature
Title: Name + Surname
Telephone & E-mail
• Pictures (close-up and full body)
• Measurements (Height – Chest – Waist – Hips – Weight)
• Details (Age – Hair Color – Eyes Color - Shoe size)
• Contact information (Telephone – Adress – E-mail)
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