
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Jinenkan Kounryusui Dojo

Jinenkan Kounryusui Dojo


Jissen Kobudo Jinenkan Dojo, Dojo Cho Mario De Mol (rokudan)
Menkyo kaidensha Jinen ryu


The Jinenkan was founded by Fumio Manaka (martial name "Unsui") in 1996. The purpose of the organisation is to allow students to study the martial arts of old Japan freely and unhindered under his guidance. Unsui has 50 years of experience in the Japanese arts of Kobudo (old martial ways).

The Jinenkan offers instruction in Taijutsu (unarmed fighting skills), Bikenjutsu (sword arts), Yari (spear), Naginata (halberd), Tessen (iron fan), Jutte (truncheon), Kusari-fundo (weighted chain), Tantojutsu (knife), Bo, Hanbo, Jo (staff arts), and more.

The Jinenkan has training halls located across the United States, as well as in Europe and Japan. Instructors are at least the rank of Sandan (3rd degree) and are certified by the Honbu to teach.

The testing process is strict and everyone, regardless of rank or experience in other organizations, must start at the begining and work their way up. We are pleased with the slow steady growth of the Jinenkan and our ability to maintain quality in the instruction we offer our students.

Adres: Yawara Dojo Nieuwevaart 118, 9000 Gent
Telefoonnummer: 0497057884
Stad: Ghent
Route: Yawara Dojo Nieuwevaart 118
Postcode: 9000

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