
Recensies, contactgegevens voor INVE Aquaculture

INVE Aquaculture


Supplier of health and nutritional products for the aquaculture industry, more specifically for fish and shrimp hatcheries and farms.


Ever since being founded as Artemia Systems in 1983, INVE Aquaculture has always been a true pioneer in the aquaculture industry.

From being the first to market Artemia cysts with specific characteristics, over launching the first dry diets for use in fish or shellfish hatcheries, to offering today's best balance between the use of live food and formulated diets, we have always strived to offer products that will maximize our customers' profitability and improve the industry as a whole.

"INVE AQUACULTURE specializes in providing solutions in three domains vital to aquaculture production: Optimization of animal nutrition, careful management of animal health, and rigorous control of the culture environment.With local offices and field teams in 27 countries, we are close to customers offering technical support and advice to set best practices for the aquaculture sector. We seek to help customers maximize efficiency and support their commercial and operational decision-making."
Telefoonnummer: +32 (0) 52 40 95 95
Stad: Dendermonde

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Inve italy, INVE TECHNOLOGIES nv hoogveld 93 9200 Dendermonde Belgium, Artemia inve, Inve orange, Benchmark Holdings
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