Recensies, contactgegevens voor Ingrid Deuss Gallery
"DEUSS GALLERY has been exploring the realm of contemporary photography since 2011, curating a wide range of artists with an old school mindset and inspirational stories. This contemporary art gallery is naturally driven through spontaneous encounters. Human collisions that often set epic stories in motion.Drawing inspiration from her own endeavors in music, art, design and fashion, Ingrid Deuss brings together a carefully curated selection of photographers, all invariably characterized by their great artistic sensitivity and personal expression. Every photography show she curates, starts with a handpicked selection from the artists’ collection. A matter of love at first sight, for emotion is at the core of DEUSS GALLERY."
op zoek naar gerelateerd: ingrid deuss production, tim van laere gallery, galerie in antwerpen, galerie ibasho, art gallery antwerpen, art galleries antwerp
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Designcenter De Winkelhaak
419 meter
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