
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Independent Iodine

Independent Iodine


Independent Iodine is specialised in the distribution of iodine and iodine derivatives.


Independent Iodine is specialised in the distribution of iodine and iodine derivatives. Moreover the company sources iodine containing effluents from the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.

Independent Iodine represents outside the Latin American continent 2 Chilean iodine producers: ACF Minera and Algorta Norte.

Independent Iodine represents the Brazilian company Incasa on the European market for the distribution of iodine derivatives for technical and pharmaceutical applications.

Independent Iodine buys effluents that contain iodine from producers of iodine derivatives. Those effluents are treated in a controlled way with respect for the environment. In this way a scarce raw material is recycled.

Adres: Hoogeind 43, 2940 Stabroek (België)
Telefoonnummer: +32 3 620 18 90
Stad: Stabroek
Route: Hoogeind 43
Postcode: 2940

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