
Recensies, contactgegevens voor IAAS Gent





IAAS Gent is het in Gent gevestigde committee van de internationale organisatie IAAS. IAAS staat voor "International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences" en verbindt dus studenten die iets studeren dat met landbouw te maken heeft. Daarom is het Gentse committee te vinden op de faculteit van de bio-ingenieurs op Campus Coupure.
IAAS Ghent is the committee of the international organisation IAAS based in Ghent. IAAS stands for "International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences" and connects people that study something agriculture related. That's why the home base of IAAS Ghent is at the faculty of the bioscience engineering students at Campus Coupure.

Adres: coupure links 653, 9000 Gent
Stad: Ghent
Route: coupure links 653
Postcode: 9000

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