
Recensies, contactgegevens voor I Language Coaching

I Language Coaching


neuro language coach @ ilanguagecoach.eu
Language lessons and coaching in Brussels / Belgium and online


LANGUAGE COACHING is a new way of learning languages which revolves around an agreement between two parties (coach and coach-ee), where both commit to mutually agreed-upon goals and actions in view of reaching those personal language goals. They use scientific knowledge about the brain, powerful questioning techniques, as well as meditation and working in nature when possible. They underpin it all with the thoroughly researched conviction that the mind learns better in a healthy body and that the heart can be both a hindrance and a help to language learning.
Interested in knowing more. Call 0032 495 3230118 or Email info@toplanguagecoaching.com

Adres: 17, rue du Cheval Noir, 1080 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: 0032 495 230118
Stad: Brussels
Route: 17, rue du Cheval Noir
Postcode: 1080

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