
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Highjackers Agency

Highjackers Agency


Highjackers Agency provides all the essential resources for artists to develop in a highly competitive market. Booking & info: info@highjackersagency.com


We are the founders of Highjackers agency, which is built on ONE TEAM and dedicated to guiding artists.

Growth and transformation is essential for the Highjackers family, so we joined forces with external partners. Strong teamwork, personal talents, diversity and important partners are the basics of our success.

Highjackers agency provides all the essential resources for artists to develop and succeed in a highly competitive market. It's our job to provide professional consulting services to all our artists.

- Artist development
- Marketing
- Promotion
- Songwriting
- Touring
- Producing and merchandising
- Financial guidance
- And even more…

We prepare the artists in a way so they can focus on their goals and more importantly on their passion, which is making music.

Our guiding principles:

- Relationships: are the key of our success. We value the perspectives of our partners, artist and team.
- Honesty: Crucial among cooperating partners, artists and team members.
- Trust: our primary component to built successful relationships.
- Passion: will guide us in conversations and workflow
- Quality: we dedicate ourselves to providing top service; CLIENTS ALWAYS FIRST.
- Innovation: we are always looking for the most progressive tools for our artists/clients.
- Collaboration: by supporting and encouraging, heling and learning, from each other.

We aim to achieve and maintain growth and leadership in all our services.

Booking & info: Info@highjackersagency.com

"We are the founders of Highjackers agency, which is built on ONE TEAM and dedicated to guiding artists.Growth and transformation is essential for the Highjackers family, so we joined forces with external partners. Strong teamwork, personal talents, diversity and important partners are the basics of our success.Highjackers agency provides all the essential resources for artists to develop and succeed in a highly competitive market. It's our job to provide professional consulting services to all our artists.- Artist development- Marketing- Promotion- Songwriting- Touring- Producing and merchandising- Financial guidance- And even more…We prepare the artists in a way so they can focus on their goals."
Telefoonnummer: +32 499 63 18 22
Stad: Antwerp

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