
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Heverlee


Heverlee is a town in Belgium. It is a deelgemeente of the city of Leuven. Heverlee is bordered by Herent, Bertem, Oud Heverlee and several other municipalities that are part of Leuven (including Leuven proper and Kessel-Lo).The town is the location of the Heverlee War Cemetery for Commonwealth casualties from the Second World War.The town also harbours a significant part of the university campus of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. The Arenberg campus is the main area for research and educational facilities for exact sciences (The Science, Engineering and Technology Group). These contain the Faculty of Engineering (see Arenberg Château, the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering and the Faculty of Science. A part of the Biomedical Group, namely the Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences also has its main facilities on the campus.The Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven is another higher education facility with some facilities in Heverlee. It lies next to the Heilig Hart-Instituut, which is a school for secondary education. Also, St John Berchmans University College, Heverlee is situated outside the centre.Also situated in Heverlee is the Den Dreef stadium, home of the Belgian 1st Division football team Oud-Heverlee Leuven.

Adres: Heverlee
Stad: Heverlee

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