
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Hôtel Tassel


The Hotel Tassel is a town house built by Victor Horta in Brussels for the Belgian scientist and professor Emile Tassel in 1893 - 1894. It is generally considered as the first true Art Nouveau building, because of its highly innovative plan and its groundbreaking use of materials and decoration. Together with three other town houses of Victor Horta, including Horta's own house and atelier, it was put on the 'UNESCO World Heritage List' in 2000. It is located at 6, Rue Paul-Emile Jansonstraat in Brussels.HistoryThe first town house built by Victor Horta was the Maison Autrique. This dwelling was already innovative for its application of a novel 'Art Nouveau' decorative scheme that didn't include references to other historical styles. However the floor plan and spatial composition of the Maison Autrique remained rather traditional. On the deep and narrow building plot the rooms were organised according to a traditional scheme used in most Belgian town houses at that time. It consisted of a suite of rooms on the left side of the building plot flanked by a rather narrow entrance hall with stairs and a corridor that led to a small garden at the back. From the three room suite only the first and the last had windows so that the middle room (mostly used as a dining room) was rather gloomy.

Adres: Rue Paul Emile Jansonstraat 6, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Stad: Brussels
Route: Rue Paul Emile Jansonstraat 6

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Hotel Tassel bezoeken, Hotel Tassel tickets, Hôtel Solvay, Hotel van Eetvelde, Solvay Brussel, Hotel Horta, Volkshuis Brussel
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