
Recensies, contactgegevens voor GlobEvents



Travel, Events & Touroperating


GlobEvents is a forward-thinking Travel & Event company representing a diversity of brands towards primarily the Belgian and Dutch market but in increasing capacity towards the entire European market (especially Germany and Austria). Besides a powerful staff of full-time employees at the headquarters in Belgium, GlobEvents has a large number of highly motivated and qualified staff abroad.

Founded in 1995 GlobEvents has build up a strong and loyal client base and has become a reliable and recognizable brand in tourism. In 2011 more then 120.000 clients experienced what GlobEvents stands for.

Adres: Gerzevien 25, 3150 Haacht
Telefoonnummer: 0032 16 23 20 53
Stad: Haacht
Route: Gerzevien 25
Postcode: 3150

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