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As a former pro athlete, Jeff Masudi (34), knows plenty about leading a team. He played professional basketball all over the world for eleven years. He is the owner of the label GF Grind Factory powered by Masudi and offers his clients exlusive personal training.
GF GrindFactory Basketball Camp/Sessions offers high level basketball training specifically designed for each individual's needs. Whether you are a beginner or advanced in your skills. GF will customize an exercise program that will help improve your game.
By gathering the highest qualified trainers and skill development coaches, developing both the mental and physical aspects of the game, we are able to enhance our players skills both on and off the court.
Combining unique basketball training program, physical and athletic training sessions, video analyses of game's and training's, classroom learning sessions we will cover all necessary aspects that every athlete needs to know. This is a proven product that has produced many professional players.
GF's Sessions is also for the players who are interested in playing basketball at High School, College or University in USA or as well as in basketball clubs in all of Europe.
At GF, players will get the chance to showcase their level of basketball skills to coaches and scouts from USA and Europe.
GF is for players who have aspirations of improving their skills and playing basketball on higher level.
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