
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Geuze, Hanssens Artisanaal


This fan page is for people who want to share their passion for REAL beer, without any aditives or sugar. Hanssens is the Champagne of the beers!


Hanssens Bartholomeus, former major of Dworp, started to brew lambic in 1871, in the previous Sint-Antonius brewery. Documents have proven that he continued to brew, from 1896 onwards, in buildings located in the Vroenenbosstraat, Dworp. These premises are still used.

Nowadays, Hanssens Artisanaal is directed by Sidy Hanssens, daughter of Jean, the fourth generation in this family's tradition. It has to be noted that Bartholomeus started as a lambic brewer, but after World War I, when the Germans took all the cupper brew material to produce war equipment, he, like many others at that time, had to continue as a blender.

The most significant difference between a geuze blender and a geuze brewer is that a geuze blender buys wort (lambic wort) of lambic brewers and does not brew the lambic by his own. A geuze brewer only works with its own lambic whereas a blender works with different lambics.

Hanssens Artisanaal is a lambic blender. Thirty or forty years ago, the unique art of blending lambic was done by forty or so blenders. Nowadays there is only one independent blender left. Hanssens Artisanaal (Sidy, her husband John), still blend the same way the family did one hundred years ago, using almost the same material, which requires a lot of skill and effort.

Hanssens Artisanaal Oude Gueuze is one of the most tart, sour, dirtiest, funkiest things you'll ever taste. Love it or hate it!
6% ABV

Adres: Vroenenbosstraat 15, 1653 Dworp
Telefoonnummer: +3223803133
Stad: Dworp
Route: Vroenenbosstraat 15
Postcode: 1653

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