
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Formula Electric Belgium

Formula Electric Belgium


Formula Electric Belgium is a team of students that designs and builds electric vehicles to compete in the Formula Student competition.


Formula Electric Belgium unites a group of motivated engineering students from different campuses of KU Leuven University and Thomas More University College in Flanders, Belgium.

The Formula project offers the team members a working environment which resembles to a realistic case, in which they have to apply all their technical and soft skills. Apart from enhancing these skills and bringing their education to a higher level, the practical goal of the project is to design, build and drive an electric Formula Student race car.

In the process, they are joined by several partners who help realize the building of the car. After a year of development and manufacturing processes, the team will participate in several international events of the Formula Student competition.

Formula Electric Belgium is not just a racing team. The project offers a platform in which technological partners can showcase and test their latest innovating developments. The team wants to share the acquired knowledge and experiences with other students by developing informative and educational packages to promote engineering technology and science with a focus on electrical mobility.

Adres: Diestsesteenweg 692, 3010 Kessel-Lo
Telefoonnummer: +32497849743
Stad: Kessel-Lo
Route: Diestsesteenweg 692
Postcode: 3010

op zoek naar gerelateerd: KU Leuven Formula Student, Formula Student electric
Top team! Zeer fijn om mee samen te werken
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