Recensies, contactgegevens voor Fondation Médicale Reine Elisabeth
"The Queen Elisabeth Medical Foundation Q.E.M.F. focuses on the neurosciences and supports researchers using the latest techniques to study the functioning of the nervous system, in both its normal and its abnormal state sleep, developmental disorders, head traumas, spinal cord injuries, brain senescence ageing, dementia, parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis etc..The research programmes supported by the Q.E.M.F. enjoy international renown.The result of the foresight and generosity of Queen Elisabeth, supported by various patrons, the Q.E.M.F. is and will continue to be a powerful catalyst for cooperation between all the university teams in Belgium.During the period 2023-2025, a substantial annual grant of 0.5 million"
Adres: Avenue Jean Joseph Crocq 3 , Brussel 1020, BE
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