
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Flemish Classical Atelier

Flemish Classical Atelier


Flemish Classical Atelier, VZW, is established to provide an international environment for structured Classical drawing and painting programs in Belgium.


Flemish Classical Atelier provides an international environment for the artistic development and collaboration of visual artists from around the globe.

Since 2010, we have hosted artists from over 30 different countries, each with a different background and technique, but with an overall desire to collaborate, cooperate, improve and learn from not only the master in residence but other artists in the program.

Adres: Site Oud Sint Jan- Mariastraat 38, 8000 Brugge
Telefoonnummer: +32.477.59.7694
Stad: Brugge
Route: Site Oud Sint Jan- Mariastraat 38
Postcode: 8000

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