
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Fertility Europe

Fertility Europe


We are an association of European organisations and associations involved with infertility issues.


The purpose of Fertility Europe is:
1. to build a strong cross border network among European patients and professionals in order to achieve the exchange of best practise;
2. to promote education in the field of protection of reproductive health and a pro-active approach to family planning;
3. to improve the rights of those affected by difficulties in conceiving in areas such as, inter alia,:
a) access to high quality infertility investigation, treatment, support and guidance,
b) reduction of multiple births,
c) full information on all assisted conception/reproduction treatment possibilities and the right to accept or to reject treatment without any discrimination,
d) cross border reproductive care.
4. to encourage and assist further research in its broadest sense into fertility/infertility and its various effects;
5. to persuade European officials to take responsibility for guaranteeing the right to access to quality fertility treatments and for educating teenagers/adults about how to protect their fertility and prevent infertility.

Fertility Europe also aims at:
1. promoting discussion and information on the following aspects of fertility: equity of access to treatment, involvement of those treated, community awareness, EU health policy, psycho-social, ethical and cultural aspects, involuntary childlessness, rights/welfare of children conceived through ART, European information platform/point or reference, public discussion, evolving ART techniques/proven results, legislation and professional guidelines;
2. communicating the views of patients, as stakeholders in the European healthcare debate, by means of a broad, truly representative and independent patient group resource;
3. providing patients’ organisations with a forum so as to encourage the exchange of best practices among the national patients‘ organizations in order to enable a harmonious increase in their level of reputation, accountability, effectiveness and professional competence;
4. enhancing and supporting cooperation and exchange of experience between patients’ organizations and professionals;
5. co-operating in the formation and execution of joint projects aimed at improving awareness on fertility issues and the situation concerning the rights of those affected by difficulties in conceiving.

Adres: Fertility Europe VZW Avenue de l'Andalousie 8, boite 20 1140, Belgium Evere
Telefoonnummer: +447920033551
Stad: Evere
Route: Fertility Europe VZW Avenue de l'Andalousie 8, boite 20 1140
Postcode: Belgium

op zoek naar gerelateerd: European Fertility Week, Fertility awareness Project, ESHRE, Congres fertiliteit
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