
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists in Brussels: BUUF

Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists in Brussels: BUUF


Unitarian Universalists in Brussels (BUUF)


UU is an inclusive faith that welcomes creeds but hasn't got a separate creed of its own. Unitarian Universalists hold 7 principles very similar to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

1st principle: The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
2nd principle: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
3rd principle: Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
4th principle: A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
5th principle: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
6th principle: The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
7th principle: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

Source: http://www.uua.org/beliefs/principles/ <20140823>

Another great source to understand UU is http://www.uupuertorico.org/

Adres: Square Ambiorix 50, 1000 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: 32486333055
Stad: Brussels
Route: Square Ambiorix 50
Postcode: 1000

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