
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Farrah Floyd

Farrah Floyd


Fashion label based in Brussels, uniting superior quality in both design and sustainability. Visit our flagship store in 39 Rue du Vieux Marché aux Grains.



All Faces Butik
Nemciceva 4
10000 Zagreb

All Faces Butik
52100 Pula

BIKINI Berlin, 1.OG
Budapester Str. 38-51, 10787 Berlin

Wood Stories
Karl-Marx-Platz 15
12043 Berlin

Farrah Floyd is a Berlin based womenswear label. The label combines quality materials with emotional design to create pieces to be cherished by the wearer, and providing a perfect fit. The label is anti-seasonal and every collection is designed using zero waste pattern making. The designer uses only certified materials and all production in done in Europe.

Farrah Floyd has presented at industry events such as the Greenshowroom, Ethical Fashion Forum Brand Preview, Milano Unica, and has been included in Elle, L’Officiel, Superior Magazine, Glamour and Dash Magazine among others.

Trained in fashion and textile design and holding a Master’s Degree in Sustainability in Fashion, Bojana Draca is a designer with distinguished style. In her work, she combines strong concepts with technical skills and sustainable design strategies. Farrah Floyd unites superior quality in both design and sustainability. Using innovative fabrics, the collections are developed and executed following a series of zero-waste principles devised by the designer. The final products are unique and ready-to-wear.

Bojana’s professional achievements include receiving Bronze in the Creative Conscience Awards (2012) and was placed in the semi-finals for the EcoChic Design Award (2013) in Hong Kong. She has also shared her knowledge during the workshops Belgrade Design Week, and Slow Fashion Lab in University of PHillipines. She designed for Bundes Drückerei (CeBit2016) and has been profiled in documentary movies about sustainability in fashion on German ARD channel and internationally broadcasted Fashion One TV.


Farrah Floyd
Urbanstr. 71
D-10967 Berlin

General | info@farrahfloyd.com

Twitter: farrahfloyd
Instagram: farrah_floyd
facebook: farrahfloyddesign

Adres: 39 Rue du Vieux Marché aux Grains, 1000 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Stad: Brussels
Route: 39 Rue du Vieux Marché aux Grains
Postcode: 1000

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