
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Expat Club

Expat Club


Welcome to the Expat Club Fanpage! Connect, share and learn about Brussels and Belgium while enjoying your expat life with our international community.


About Us
Expat Club is Brussels Premier International Community. Every month we welcome hundreds of open-minded expats to our events and daytrips. Most of our members are in their thirties, forties and fifties, but our events are also frequented by retired expats and students. They come from all over the world and are keen on getting to know other friendly and fun people. We especially try to accommodate expat families on some of our trips and local events.

Our mission
Living outside your home country can be a very fulfilling, inspiring and memorable life experience. Learning a new language, trying to understand a new culture, discovering all what your new place of residence has to offer. It may even give you the feeling of being on a very long holiday, at least for while.

But being an expat can also be quite challenging. You have to jump through several bureaucratic hurdles, deal with all practicalities of finding and settling down in a new home, build up (yet again) a new support network of friends and colleagues, and simply find your way around the city and country. Expat Club is Brussels’ premier international community that helps expats, both newcomers and “experienced” ones, to quickly integrate in Brussels and make them feel at home.

But being an expat can also be quite challenging. It may be more difficult to start feeling at home as quickly as you would like to. You have to deal with bureaucratic hurdles and you have to overcome the practicalities of finding and settling down in a new home, build up (yet again) a new support network of friends, and simply find your way around town.

Expat Club is Brussels’ Premier International Community and helps expats like you to quickly integrate in Brussels, make you feel at home and contribute to making your time here meaningful and memorable.

Expat Club was founded in the spring of 2013 by Edgar Hütte who has lived, studied and worked in several other countries before moving to Brussels. Dissatisfied with the existing expat networks, which seem to focus primarily on partying and socialising in bars, he began to offer well-organised and meaningful events in Brussels as well as all-in and no-worries daytrips to dozens of interesting, captivating and beautiful destinations within a 300km radius from Brussels. Over the years thousands of people have joined the events and trips, whereas in Spring 2016 a new online community was started.

Adres: Avenue Louise 279 - The Louise Center, 1050 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: +3226698209
Stad: Brussels
Route: Avenue Louise 279 - The Louise Center
Postcode: 1050

op zoek naar gerelateerd: event meetups, meetup calendar, match meetups
Vertaald door Google Als je aardige internationale mensen van over de hele wereld wilt ontmoeten en nieuwe plaatsen in België en andere landen wilt zien, is dit jouw internationale gemeenschap in Brussel. Origineel If you want to meet nice international people from all around the world, and see new places around Belgium and other countries, this your international community in Brussels.
Vertaald door Google Grote groep mensen. Goed georganiseerde reizen. Origineel Great group of people. Well organized trips.
Vertaald door Google Zeer leuke uitstapjes, sommige buiten de gebaande paden. Origineel Very.enjoyable trips, some off the.beaten path.
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