
Recensies, contactgegevens voor European Society of Anaesthesiology

European Society of Anaesthesiology


The European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA) holds the most prominent position in the community of anaesthesiologists in Europe and elsewhere.


The European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA) resulted from the amalgamation of the former European Society of Anaesthesiologists (ESA), the European Academy of Anaesthesiology (EAA) and the Confederation of European National Societies of Anaesthesiologists (CENSA) and holds the most prominent position in the community of anaesthesiologists in Europe and elsewhere.

The Society is governed by a Board of Directors, a Council and the General Assembly. The Council is elected by Active members of the Society from each European country with a minimum of 25 Active members. The Board of Directors is elected by the Council. The General Assembly convenes at the time of the ESA's European Anaesthesiology Congress .

The Society is comprised of Individual Members and Society Members. Society Members are represented within the ESA by the National Anaesthesiologists Societies Committee (NASC) which is represented on the Board of Directors and maintains direct links with the World Federation (WFSA).

The ESA Aims to:

-Promote exchange of information between European anaesthesiologists.

-Disseminate information in regard to anaesthesiology.

-Raise the standards of the speciality by fostering and encouraging education, research, scientific progress and exchange of information.

-Promote and protect the interest of its members.

-Promote improvements in safety and quality of care of patients who are under the care of anaesthesiologists inside and outside the operating room by facilitating and harmonising the activities of national and international societies of anaesthesiologists in Europe.

The ESA organises the academic programme of the European Anaesthesiology Congresses, Euroanaesthesia and the Focus Meeting. Members and Non-Members from more than 80 countries from around the world attend these meetings. The European Anaesthesiology Congresses offer a comprehensive scientific programme consisting of refresher course lectures, symposia and workshops, as well as the presentation and discussion of the latest research undertaken in Europe in particular. The European Anaesthesiology Congresses are accredited by the U.E.M.S./EACCME for C.M.E. credits.

"The European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care ESAIC is the largest professional community of anaesthesiologists in Europe. We strive to promote the professional role of the anaesthesiologist and intensivist, maintain the highest standards of practice and patient safety, and foster an exchange of information between our global community. We achieve this through the many resources, educational tools, research support, and networking opportunities we provide our members, colleagues, and partners – all of whom are part of the larger anaesthesiology and intensive care community."
Adres: 24 Rue Des Comédiens, Be-1000 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: +32 27 433 290
Stad: Brussels
Route: 24 Rue Des Comédiens
Postcode: Be-1000

op zoek naar gerelateerd: european diploma anesthesia, esahq council, esa 2019 anesthesiology, esa 2020, anesthesia congress 2019, euroanaesthesia 2019 registration, esahq vacancy, esa 2019 abstract
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