
Recensies, contactgegevens voor European Digital Peer Patient Alliance - eudippa

European Digital Peer Patient Alliance - eudippa


We are the next step; a well informed Digital consumer patient that knows all about the rules on IP , ICT, Genomics, Robotics, Informatics, Biometrics


We are the next step; a well informed Digital consumer patient that knows all about the rules on IP , ICT, Genomics, Robotics, Informatics, Biometrics

Adres: Visverkopersstraat 8 bus 7, 1000 Brussel (stad)
Telefoonnummer: 0041799463843
Stad: Sint Gillis
Route: Visverkopersstraat 8 bus 7
Postcode: 1000


Maandag: 09:00 - 17:00

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