
Recensies, contactgegevens voor European Consumer Debt Network - ECDN

European Consumer Debt Network - ECDN


We are an NGO working on fighting and preventing overindebtedness and promote financial inclusion.

Here you can follow our work and events you can also find articles about virtual money, cashlesss societies, debt advice and much more!


ECDN was founded as a non-governmental organization in 2007 and brings together 31 membership organizations from 17 European countries.
The European Consumer Debt Network (ECDN) is a European level civil society network built on the experiences and activities of key actors in the fight against over-indebtedness and financial exclusion from across Europe, such as debt advice services, educational organisations, consumer agencies, research institutes, etc.

The establishment of the European Consumer Debt Network ecdn in 2007 is financially supported by the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities).

ECDN aims to be a key force in bringing forward a social Europe that promotes and safeguards the financial inclusion and well-being of all its inhabitants while at the same time taking seriously its responsibility for and contributing to a social world.

Telefoonnummer: +4587419336
Stad: Eupen

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