
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Eurochild


Advocating for children's rights & wellbeing to be at the heart of policymaking. Our network: over 170 members working with & for children in 34 countries.


Eurochild advocates for children’s rights and well-being to be at the heart of policymaking.

We are a network of organisations working with and for children throughout Europe, striving for a society that respects the rights of children. We influence policies, build internal capacities, facilitate mutual learning and exchange practice and research. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is the foundation of all our work.

"Eurochild is a network of organisations and individuals working with and for children in Europe."
Adres: Hallepoortlaan 27, 1060 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: +3225117083
Stad: Brussels
Route: Hallepoortlaan 27
Postcode: 1060

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Eurochild members room, Eurochild news, Donate eurochild
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