
Recensies, contactgegevens voor ESPORG (European Secure Parking Organisation)

ESPORG (European Secure Parking Organisation)


ESPORG will offer a full coverage netwerk of secure truck parkings and effect the reduction of losses in the transportation of theft attractive products.


ESPORG (European Secure Parking Organisation)

The increasing number of attacks, encroachments and thefts on drivers and their goods are alarming. This becomes especially important in the business of transport. The NEA estimates a yearly 8.2 bn euros in economic losses in the European Union due to attacks and thefts.

While secure parkings already exist, ESPORG provides a certification to his members ensuring that safety standards are met. Present in numerous countries of Europe, ESPORG developing a Europepe-wide net of safety car parks.

Adres: Michel Scheperslaan 85, 3550 Heusden, Limburg, Belgium
Telefoonnummer: +32498262636
Stad: Heusden
Route: Michel Scheperslaan 85
Postcode: 3550

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Esporg certified, Bosch secure truck parking, Truck Parking germany, SSTPA, TAPA Parking, Truck Parking Europe, IRU parking, TAPA PSR
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