
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Escape



Event strategy, Creation, Management, Communication & emotions


.1 Our competencies:

- Event strategy
‘Logistic serves content’ to enable communication objectives
meet event concepts

- Event creation
The tailor-made solution 

- Event management
Professional and multi disciplinary in house production & realisation

- Event communication
Writing, drawing, designing the event branding
Multimedia communication (Video, Web)

- Event emotion
The invisible touch

.2 Our work:

Our focus is to create event eXperiences
within a B2B & B2C context, this in continuously changing economic environment

- External Communication:
product launch, inaugurations, rewarding event, jubilee, partners day, network events, expo, congress

- Internal Communication:
kick off, open door days, family day, inaugurations, results & strategic announcements, employer branding, sales meeting, teaming projects, rewarding projects

Adres: Aarschotsebaan 89, 1910 Kampenhout
Telefoonnummer: +32 (0)16 470 480
Stad: Kampenhout
Route: Aarschotsebaan 89
Postcode: 1910

Nabijgelegen soortgelijke bedrijven
Kunzthuiz Kunzthuiz 2 km Kunzthuiz organiseert evenementen rond kunst en cultuur in het algemeen.
Plage de la foret Plage de la foret 5 km Afterwork outdoor Vijverstraat 1 1910 Kampenhout
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