
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Erps-Kwerps


Erps-Kwerps is a village in the Belgian Province of Flemish Brabant and a sub-municipality of Kortenberg. It has an area of 15.94 km^2.GeographyNeighbouring places are Nederokkerzeel (municipality of Kampenhout), Kortenberg, Veltem-Beisem (municipality of Herent), Meerbeek and Everberg.LocationThe village is situated on the prolongation of the runway 07R/25L of the Brussels Airport. Its geographical coordinates are 50° 54' 0" North, 4° 34' 0" East.Farming in the regionSince it is located within the fertile Central Plateau of the Province of Brabant it is also part of the so-called "Brabantse Groentenstreek", the "Brabant vegetable region". The main cultivation product is Belgian endives.ParishesTwo parishes exist in Erps-Kwerps, Erps and Kwerps, each having its own church. The church of Erps is named after Saint Amand and the church of Kwerps after Saint Peter. The latter owns a choir of the seventeenth century and a tower of the late Romanesque period. The old town hall at the town square (Dorpsplein) of Erps was built in 1875 after the design of Alexander Van Arenbergh of Leuven.

Adres: Erps-Kwerps
Stad: Erps-Kwerps

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