
Recensies, contactgegevens voor ENAR Foundation - European Network Against Racism Foundation


The first anti-racist foundation in Europe, the ENAR Foundation was set up by the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) to be the vehicle for the ambitions and projects of anti-racist organisations across Europe, from grass-roots to European level.


The ENAR Foundation aims to support them in fighting for non-discrimination and equality for all people living in the EU, irrespective of their ethnicity and/or religious affiliation, by putting at their disposal all possible financial and human resources, as well as by encouraging research and fostering new activities and innovative approaches to tackling racism and related discrimination.

Vision and mission
The ENAR Foundation’s vision is to support the European Network Against Racism (ENAR), its member organisations and the broader anti-racist community in achieving their vision by putting at their disposal all possible financial and human resources and being the vehicle for their ambitions and projects. Achieving a racism-free European society and maximising the benefits of a diverse society for all: these are the ultimate objectives and challenges the ENAR Foundation has set up for itself.

The ENAR Foundation is active in all fields directly or indirectly linked to the fight against racism, xenophobia and related intolerance and discrimination, the advancement of equality and non-discrimination as well as their articulation within the broader Human Rights agenda.

Telefoonnummer: +32 2 240 57 20
Stad: Brussels

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Vertaald door Google Ik raad het niet aan. Origineel Nie polecam.
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