
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Emelgem


Emelgem is a village in the Belgian province of West-Flanders and a part (deelgemeente) of the municipality Izegem. Emelgem was an independent municipality until 1964. On that moment Emelgem had an area from 5,44 km² and was counting 5049 inhabitants.Emelgem is located close to the river the Mandel and to the canal Roeselare-Leie.HistoryEven in antiquity Emelgem was inhabited, witness hereby are the prehistoric findings such as buildings and fire stones. Further, there also were Roman and Frankish findings.Emelgem was for a long time an agricultural village. Lots of inhabitants worked in the shoe and brush industry in the nearby city of Izegem. After the Second World War the village developed into a residential town and grew slowly with Izegem. On 1 January 1965 Emelgem was added administratively to Izegem.Sightseeing The protected Sint-Pieters church from the 18th century.

Adres: 8870 Emelgem
Stad: Emelgem
Postcode: 8870

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