
Recensies, contactgegevens voor EFPT Exchange

EFPT Exchange


You can apply for a 2-6 week observership if you are a psychiatric trainee in an EFPT member country.



This is the opportunity for psychiatric trainees to go on exchange throughout Europe!

How does it work?
Psychiatric trainees will have the unique opportunity to go abroad across the whole of Europe. Through its large network of trainees EFPT is aiming to connect applicants to the programme with organizations (e.g. hospitals) offering vacancies for a stay. There are certificates for Exchange participants.

What about the duration and financial aspects?
● Its duration is between 2 and 6 weeks.
● It is all based on personal engagement and self-funded.
● EFPT just provides the contact beforehand.
● We aim to focus an individual experience for each one.

What can I learn?
The trainee will be able to observe clinics and attend educational meetings and teaching sessions, equivalent to local trainees at the same level. He/she will also be able to meet with professionals of his area of interest and enjoy social and cultural activities.
Read more here: http://www.efpt.eu/staticpages/index.php?page=exchange

If you would like to take part, just apply and get the chance for a unique intercultural experience. EFPT aims to bring people together and promote friendship between trainees from different countries and cultures.

Become part of the EFPT family!!

Adres: European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Stad: Brussels
Route: European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees

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