Bewerk bedrijf | Delen Private Bank
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Info Delen Private Bank is a family-run wealth management firm specialized in asset management. Geschiedenis Delen Private Bank is a family-run wealth management firm specialized in asset management. You can entrust the discretionary management of your assets to us and we will assume responsibility for the financial aspects of your portfolio. Our methods are based on the Delen core values of respect, responsibility, integrity, reliability, and a long-term vision, coupled with a business culture that emphasizes harmony and cooperation. We seek clear, simple solutions that stand the test of time. Delen Private Bank belongs to a solid structure, the Ackermans & van Haaren (AvH) group. AvH is a diversified group, operating in various core sectors, included in the Euronext Brussels listings and is part of the BEL20. The Bank has a proven track record in asset management extending over many years, and our approach offers you numerous benefits: > Our approach is clear, right from the start, we operate on the basis of your personal objectives and risk profile. > Your manager is a professional who forms part of a team with experience and expertise. We perform all financial transactions that are necessary in the interest of your portfolio. > Our team of analysts and the members of our investment committee are always alert to market movements. As dynamic and cautious administrators, they pro-actively adjust the portfolios whenever necessary. If you only wish to entrust your securities to us for safekeeping and you prefer to personally trade on the market, you can do so via the Transactions section of our website. Besides the purely financial aspect, asset management also has another focus: structural review and planning of your total assets and providing asset management advice. Delen Private Bank is your choice, as only professional asset management deserves your trust."Vermogensbeheer en successieplanninng in één.Delen Private Bank biedt u een volledig en geïntegreerd aanbod van private banking diensten aan. Onze dienstverlening focust op twee domeinen: discretionair vermogensbeheer en estate planning successieplanning. Zo krijgt u een coherent en geïntegreerd beheer van uw vermogen, gericht op de bescherming en duurzame groei. Doordacht en alert handelen vormt de basis van onze filosofie.Onze dienstverlening is in de eerste plaats uitgesproken persoonlijk: de private banking business is een kwestie van vertrouwen en integriteit. Daarnaast brengen wij u ook een moderne, snelle en efficiënte private banking service, dankzij onze digitale diensten."
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Jan Van Rijswijcklaan 184, 2020, Antwerp