
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Ecstatic Dance Gent

Ecstatic Dance Gent


Guided by the music we come together and dance to explore, to embrace whatever appears in the moment and to celebrate all of life! You are welcome as you are, move as you feel it, let your body guide you. No shoes, no booze/drugs, no chitchat.

"Welcome to this unique Ecstatic Dance experience in Ghent! WHAT IS ECSTATIC DANCE? Guided by the music we come together and dance to explore, to embrace whatever appears in the moment and to celebrate all of life!You are welcome as you are, move as you feel it, let your body guide you.We follow three simple basic guidelines :No shoes, no booze/drugs, no chitchat. With grounded feet in the earth, we lift our spirits high! Plenty of water will juice us up.Each ED starts and ends with a ceremony in which we make time and space to connect with ourselves, the others, the space, the vibrations, our intentions and the larger ED tribe.Together we create a conscious space to be amazing, to be free, to nurture, connect and awaken"
Stad: Ghent

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Ecstatic Dance Belgium, Ecstatic Dance events, Tantric Dance Gent, DJ Mystica Ecstatic Dance, Ecstatic Dance DJ, Ecstatic meaning
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