"Swatch, launched in 1983 by Nicolas G. Hayek, is a leading Swiss watch maker and one of the world's most popular brands. A Swatch is more than a timepiece: it's a 'talking piece', a state of mind and a medium for self-expression. For over three decades, Swatch has been revolutionizing watchmaking with fashionable designs, ground breaking innovations and a provocative spirit that resonates with the artist in all of us. Today Swatch continues to innovate and surprise with new models, collections and special editions. Right from the start, Swatch connected with art and artists, and Swatch watches remain a prominent canvas for artists from a broad range of disciplines."
Steen en been
892 meter
Na al een paar keer niets dan goed gehoord te hebben op WTTAA heb ik uiteindelijk een...
Lucas Creativ
1 km
Grote en interessante winkel, met parking, voor mensen met hobby´s als schilderen, ke...
Amazing shop, staff is helpful and smiling. You can see that they love their job. Congratulations to the store manager Vertaald door Google Geweldige winkel, personeel is behulpzaam en glimlacht. Je kunt zien dat ze van hun werk houden. Proficiat aan de winkelmanager
Best shop in Antwerp. Very helpful staff Vertaald door Google Beste winkel in Antwerpen. Zeer behulpzaam personeel
Store opening times are not correct Vertaald door Google De openingstijden van de winkels kloppen niet
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