
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Didess



At Didess we invest all our time and energy into the development of beautiful and sometimes crazy ideas for chefs.


At Didess, Creativity always occurs spontaneously…
… among the bakers in the bakery, or as a result of extraordinary meetings with passionate professionals at home and abroad. With bakers, butchers, topchefs, friends, foodies, journalists, opinion makers, trendwatchers, scientists or at the craziest places ...

Founder Dirk Peeters invests all his time and energy into the development of beautiful
and sometimes crazy ideas. These lead to products with a high added value for the
food service industry, catering and speciality stores. Didess’ most important ambition is: to share inspiration, creativity and expertise with chefs at home and abroad, resulting in a rich variety of traditional and innovative products which originated from the art and the love for the profession and are processed with the utmost care and the best expertise.

Adres: Brulens 18, 2275 Lille (België)
Telefoonnummer: 0032 (0)14 553520
Stad: Lille
Route: Brulens 18
Postcode: 2275

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Didess Elements, Didess Quiche, Didess crème Brûlée, Didess Kletskoppen, Didess Granola
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