
Recensies, contactgegevens voor DETOO Architects

DETOO Architects


DETOO is the largest architectural practice within its speciality: construction projects for healthcare and education.


DETOO was founded when two independent and creative firms - Boeckx from Ostend and De Vloed from Heusden-Destelbergen - decided in September 2013 to envision their future together. This collaboration created economies of scale, making DETOO well-equipped to make a difference on the international stage.

The shared open corporate culture and refreshing view of architecture of Boeckx and De Vloed laid a firm foundation for a fruitful collaboration. As an innovative architectural practice, Detoo aims to turn its irrefutable expertise into successful health care construction projects with an international impact.

Based on a shared passion for architecture, DETOO combines design with functionality via a creative and innovative thinking and design process.

Adres: Torhoutsesteenweg 52, 8400 Oostende, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium
Telefoonnummer: +3259808804
Stad: Oostende
Route: Torhoutsesteenweg 52
Postcode: 8400

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Herlinde De Vloed, Architectenbureau Oostende, De Vloed Architects
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