
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Deinze


Deinze is a city and a municipality located in the Belgian province of East Flanders. The municipality comprises the city of Deinze proper and the towns of Astene, Bachte-Maria-Leerne, Gottem, Grammene, Meigem, Petegem-aan-de-Leie, Sint-Martens-Leerne, Vinkt, Wontergem and Zeveren. On January 1, 2016, Deinze had a total population of 30,628. The total area is 75.54km² which gives a population density of 375 inhabitants per km².HistoryTo be expandedIn 1695 during the Nine Years' War, an English force garrisoning the town under the command of the Irish general Francis Fergus O’Farrell was forced to surrender to French forces.Postal historyThe DEYNZE post-office opened in 1836. It used a postal code 31 (before 1864), and 94 with points before 1874. The only other office opened before 1910 is PETEGHEM (not to be confused with PETEGHEM-LEZ-AUDENAERDE) on 1 June 1874.Postal codes in 1969 (before the merger of municipalities in 1977):- 9800 Deinze - 9801 Astene - 9802 Petegem-aan-de-Leie - 9803 Gottem - 9804 Grammene - 9805 Wontergem - 9806 Vinkt - 9807 Zeveren - 9852 Sint-Martens-Leerne - 9853 Bachte-Maria-Leerne - 9854 MeigemSportsDeinze is the starting location of the cycling race Gent–Wevelgem. It is also the operational base of the Team Sky cycle racing team.

Adres: Deinze
Stad: Deinze

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