
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Decoratelier



Decoratelier is an open and ongoing project by scenographer Jozef Wouters. From an old factory building located in Brussels, he builds on ‘Infini 1-15’, the Decoratelier performance which saw him take over the main auditorium of the Brussels City Theatre (KVS) during Kunstenfestivaldesarts 2016. Decoratelier functions as an accessible studio for artists, where there is room for both set designers and audiences, as well as cross-disciplinary collaborations and social experiment.

In 2017-2018, Decoratelier will be working with various artists and makers including BOG., De Lork, Dream City (Tunis), Florian Fischer (NTGent), Globe Aroma, Radouan Mriziga (Moussem Nomadic Arts Centre), tg STAN and WAQ Molenbeek.

"Decoratelier is a space that accommodates the various forms of collaboration and labour that is inherent in my work. Space is tested, conversations take place in wood, iron and cardboard." (Jozef Wouters)

Jozef Wouters is an independent artist in residence with Damaged Goods, the company of choreographer Meg Stuart.

Adres: Liverpoolstraat 24, 1080 Sint-Jans-Molenbeek
Stad: Molenbeek-Saint-Jean
Route: Liverpoolstraat 24
Postcode: 1080

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