
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Croix-Rouge de Belgique Unité Télécommunication


Unité Técommunication de la croix rouge de Bruxelles Capitale, nous intervenons sur des différents événements pour effectuer une liaison radio entre les postes de secours, responsables locaux, ...

Stad: Brussels

Nabijgelegen soortgelijke bedrijven
Islamopedie Islamopedie 0 meter We hebben in februari 2023 toegezegd om samen met Humanipedie een waterput te maken v...
TransKids Belgique TransKids Belgique 0 meter TransKids Belgique est la première association belge francophone spécifiquement dédié...
Brussels WAKE UP Brussels WAKE UP 0 meter BXL WKP! transforms the morning: wake up to yoga, let the DJ dance you into the day, ...
China Independent Film Archive / 中国独立影像档案馆 China Independent Film Archive / 中国独立影像档案馆... 0 meter CIFA (China Independent Film Archive) is a non-profit organization devoted to collect...
Project 668 Project 668 0 meter We are a non-profit association aiming to fight youth unemployment by promoting profe...
EREPS EREPS 0 meter We are EREPS: the European Register of Exercise Professionals, a community of instruc...
JCI The Heart of Europe JCI The Heart of Europe 0 meter JCI is one of the world largest volunteering organisations, which consists of 200.00...
Moving Calais Moving Calais 0 meter We started our help to the migrants in Calais in 2014 and we adore it ! Our aim is a...
Kool Kids Klub Kool Kids Klub 0 meter Geweldig , uitstap Brussel . Bezoek koninklijk paleis
Referendum Partij Referendum Partij 0 meter Politieke partij voor echte democratie waarin burgers medebeslissingsrecht hebben.
BAR DES CLANDESTINS BAR DES CLANDESTINS 0 meter Leuk, maar stel me vragen over de brandveiligheid. Vestiaire boven, moeilijke doorgan...
Casatoscana n.5 Casatoscana n.5 0 meter Associazione per la promozione della cultura italiana a Bruxelles. Association pour l...
Russian Imperial Foundation for Cancer Research Russian Imperial Foundation for Cancer Resea... 0 meter Welcome to the official Facebook page of the Russian Imperial Foundation For Cancer R...
Royal Belgian Zoological Society Royal Belgian Zoological Society 0 meter The Royal Belgian Zoological Society (RBZS) is dedicated to the promotion of zoology....
Coeurs Piégés - Bedrogen Harten asbl Coeurs Piégés - Bedrogen Harten asbl 0 meter Asbl Belge luttant contre les escroqueries sentimentales à but migratoire: Mariages G...
Civitas Handshake Civitas Handshake 0 meter Project under CIVITAS Initiative bringing together 13 of Europe's top cities for two ...
Bitchcraft Bitchcraft 0 meter We are BITCHCRAFT, anarcha-queer collective from Bruss'Hells. We organize events mixi...
For a Better World For a Better World 0 meter Save our planet. Make sacrifices FOR A BETTER WORLD. Because it’s ours
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