
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Creonis


Creonis maakt kant-en-klare MES-oplossingen voor kmo's

"Creonis is a Belgian software company, based in Herent near Leuven.We develop and implement our own suite of production information management systems for the non-financial follow up of industrial processes. These include all modules of a typical MES manufacturing execution system or LIMS laboratory information management system.Creonis has a proven track record in the food and beverage industry, pharmaceutical industry and the medical world.Our implementation team has first-hand experience in working in production environments."
Adres: Persilstraat 51 G, bus 7, 3020 Herent
Telefoonnummer: +32 (0) 16 229 814
Stad: Herent
Route: Persilstraat 51 G, bus 7
Postcode: 3020

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Bizzpartner Bizzpartner 103 meter Bizzpartner, een bedrijfspartner voor strategische en andere zakelijke beslissingen. ...
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