
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Contraste Europe

Contraste Europe


Contraste Europe offers IT services in the following areas: Consulting Services, Application Management & Managed Services.


Contraste Europe offers IT services in the following areas:
- Consulting Services: Analysis of Business Requirements, Process and Application maturity assessment, Sourcing and RFP management, Security Assessment, Compliance with regulation and standards, Project Management
- Application Management: full application Life Cycle (analysis, design, development, testing & QA), software engineering (architecture, release and configuration management), Third Party Application Maintenance (TPAM)
- Managed Services: System Engineering, User Support / Service Desk, Infrastructure Management / Data Centre Operations, Migration and Transformation Projects

"Contraste Europe is a growing IT service company with international presence, major player in the digital transformation of enterprises and the optimization of their operational processes.With 25 years of existence, Contraste’s main focus is designing, developing, integrating and managing complex ICT applications and infrastructures.Passionate about digital technologies, our experts commit to assist midmarket and large entreprises in their business transformation. They work closely with your teams, fully involved to contribute to improve your competitive positioning and your operational efficiency."
Adres: Avenue Ariane 5, 1200 Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe
Telefoonnummer: +32 2 730 79 80 / +352 262 012 97
Stad: Woluwé-Saint-Lambert
Route: Avenue Ariane 5
Postcode: 1200

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