C.O.C.O Donuts Brussels is the only homemade gourmet donuts place in Belgium.
To order email us at cocodonutsbrussels@gmail.com.
C O C O DONUTS decided to only operates ONLINE (for now).
Our workshop is located at Parvis Saint Pierre (Uccle) in Brussels. Orders can be made by email at cocodonutsbrussels@gmail.com, via this facebok page by private message or call us at 0498/57.43.16.
We only just started, but our classic range of donuts is already ready for you to taste.
Few options are offered to you:
1. A C O C O Donuts discovery box
For a discovery box of 6 donuts: 20€
For a discovery box of 10 donuts: 30€
2. Select from our classic C O C O Donuts range (3,5€/piece)
- Lemon
- Matcha and White Chocolate (Green Tea powder from Japan)
- Chocolate and Hazelnut
- Chocolate and Coconut
- Mixed Berriers
- Salted Caramel Butter
- Boston Cream (filled with vanilla custard and chocolate icing)
- Apple Crumble
- The Classic: Cinnamon and Sugar
- Spéculoos
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