
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Close the Gap

Close the Gap


Close the Gap is an international non-profit organisation that aims to bridge the digital divide worldwide.


The non-profit organisation Close the Gap aims to bridge the digital divide by delivering high-quality, pre-owned computers donated by European companies to schools, universities, microfinance institutes, medical centers and other social projects in developing and emerging countries.

Access to ICT is essential in the developing world because it is key to improving a country’s educational and economic prospects. Close the Gap collects decommissioned computers, has the hard disks cleaned and the hardware checked and configured according to the requirements of its end-users. The computers are then shipped to the destination country, where a support and maintenance programme ensures the long-term usability of the computers.

Additionally, Close the Gap started up WorldLoop to provide environmentally friendly recycling solution when the equipment has reached the end of its functional life by helping local communities establish an efficient, operational and auto-funded system for e-waste collection and recycling.


Adres: Pleinlaan 5, 1050 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: +32 (0)2 614 81 60
Stad: Brussels
Route: Pleinlaan 5
Postcode: 1050

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Close the Gap Mechelen, Close the gap donate, Didier appels Close the Gap, Close the Gap jobs, Close the gap digitruck, Close the gap CVBA
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