Charles Riva Collection is a private contemporary art collection located in two spaces in the heart of Brussels (Belgium).
Riva Project : 124 Rue Tenbosch, 1050 Brussels.
Charles Riva Collection : 21, Rue de la Concorde, 1050 Brussels.
Charles Riva Collection opened to the public in 2007.
It is Charles Riva Collection’s will to promote education and appreciating for contemporary art by making works available to a large audience.
CHARLES RIVA COLLECTION is located in Louise District in a 19th century mansion house. It has been showed monographic exhibitions by Jim Lambie, Paul McCarthy, Sterling Ruby or Robert Mapplethorpe and Steven Shearer. Thematic exhibitions have been presented as “California” gathering artists such as Mike Kelley, Raymond Pettibon, Ed Ruscha, Jim Shaw or “Made in New-York” including works by Price Seth, Josh Smith, Cheyney Thompson, John Miller, Christopher Wool.
RIVA PROJECT is a new space dedicated to contemporary sculpture and situated in a loft in Chatelain area. This space shows exhibitions through dialogue between several shapes of art or thematic presentation.
Charles Riva Collection presents long-terms exhibitions curated primarily from the collections. The main line of the collection is American contemporary art. Artists showed are mostly American but also European modern and contemporary artists.
The collection includes the work of renowned artists such as Thomas Houseago, Mike Kelley, Sherrie Levine, Robert Mapplethorpe, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Ugo Rondinone, Steven Shearer, Josh Smith, Frank Stella, Francesco Vezzoli, Tom Wesselmann, Christopher Wool.
Some works are also exhibited in the collector’s apartment but only accessible by appointment.
Currently the spaces present two thematic exhibitions:
--- “The Power and The Glory”, Charles Riva Collection (Closed)
--- “Human Figure”, Riva Project (from April 20Th, 2016 to February 18th, 2017)
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