Belgium based concept that serves as a platform for promoting talented beatmakers.
Back in 2013 three promoters from three different crews (Next Level Shit, Foot Juice and Mint) decided to put their heads together to come up with new means to promote their local beat scene.
The result: Champion Sound, a Belgium based concept that serves as a platform for promoting talented beatmakers/producers. During their annual beat battle sixteen beatmakers compete against each other by sampling a batch of tracks. It has been inspiring to see new and established names get out of their comfort zone to deliver exciting, new beats.
What started as a beat battle, has grown into a whole platform: from curating their 22tracks Brussels beats playlist and releasing music to hosting parties and playing 'strictly Belgian' DJ sets as Champion Soundsystem.
The Belgian beat scene is thriving. Join Champion Sound on their nationwide journey, looking for the perfect beat!
Feel free to contact us or our booking agency:
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