Recensies, contactgegevens voor Centre Europeen de Recherches Internationales et Strategiques
Centre Européen de Recherches Internationales et Stratégiques or CERIS was established in 1985.
"Ceris was established in 1985 on the initiative of a group of university professors, diplomats and senior civil servants. The objective was to promote research and post graduate education in the field of international relations. Ceris is a post-graduate school that provides advanced in service education for professionals. Grasp a unique opportunity to study with high-profile lecturers; extend your professional network by taking part in multinational courses attended by top policy officials & executives; access to all course materials, including recordings of the lectures, through an interactive extranet site and benefit from an ideal setting in the “Capital of Europe” & seat of NATO headquarter."
Vertaald door Google Geweldige ervaring voor wie meer wil leren over internationale politiek en ontwikkelingsbeleid. CERIS maakt het mogelijk om een hoog niveau van begrip te bereiken dankzij de uitstekende voorbereiding van zijn docenten van internationale organisaties en universiteiten. Origineel Great experience for who wants to learn more about international politics and development policy. CERIS allows to reach a high level of understanding thanks to the great preparation of its teachers from international organizations and universities.
Vertaald door Google Een geweldige academische ervaring! Met spraakmakende docenten en experts van de beste universiteiten en internationale organisaties-instellingen, samen met een geweldige internationale omgeving met deelnemers van over de hele wereld! Origineel A great academic experience! With high profile lecturers and experts from the best universties and international organizations-institutions, along with a great international environment with participants from around the world!
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