
Recensies, contactgegevens voor CENTER-TBI



CENTER-TBI is a large European project that aims to improve the care for patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).


CENTER-TBI forms part of the larger global initiative InTBIR: International Initiative for Traumatic Brain Injury Research with projects currently ongoing in Europe, the US and Canada.

CENTER-TBI brings the newest technologies and many of the world's leading TBI experts together in a much needed effort to tackle the silent epidemic of TBI. International and multidisciplinary collaboration are key elements to the project in which past dogmas will be left behind and innovative approaches undertaken. As Coordinators of CENTER-TBI we are proud to lead this generationally unique project.

We anticipate that CENTER-TBI will revolutionize our view of leading TBI to more effective and efficient therapy, improved health care at both individual and population based levels, and better outcomes at lower costs.

We are grateful to our patients for allowing us the opportunity to advance the care for future patients, and wish all Participants and Investigators success in their efforts.

Telefoonnummer: +3238214632
Stad: Edegem

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Center tbi data dictionary, Center tbi work package, TBI database, TRACK-TBI, Intbir
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